Everybody. Everywhere.
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Mark 16:15
Outreach Opportunities
Weekly Evangelism

Student Ministry Community Evangelism
Wednesdays at 4pm
Community Evangelism
Thursdays at 10am
Community Evangelism
Saturdays at 10:30am
Community Impact

Impacting our community through engagement
Bus Ministry

Providing Free Transportation to our Sunday worship services

Reaching the world through Faith Promise Missions giving – church planting at home and abroad. The Shining Light missions program currently supports 70 missionaries around the world and has sent 12 men out into the gospel ministry. We are continually involved in helping to establish new independent Baptist churches. Our Pastor conducts foreign missions trips to train missionaries and national pastors and to help establish churches on foreign fields.
Awake America NC

Looking to get involved? Contact us below:
Contact Us
(704) 283-1480 • info@shininglightmonroe.com