Volunteer Opportunities


There is Joy in Serving Jesus!

God has uniquely gifted every believer and it is our goal to encourage, edify and equip the body of Christ for the service of the Savior as we partner together for His honor and glory. Listed below are a variety of opportunities to get involved.

Our leadership team can help you determine of what area might be a good fit for you and any training or requirements that may be needed. Fill out the form below and we will be in touch soon!

Welcome Teams

Greeters, Ushers, Security

Security_Welcome Teams

Music Teams

Instrumentalists, Vocalists, Choir


Media Teams

Audio/Video, Photography


Youth Teams

Nursery, Awana Clubs, Bible Clubs

Awana Clubs_Youth Teams

Evangelistic Teams

Community Outreach, Missions Trips, Days of Caring

Evangelistic Teams

Fellowship Teams

Connection Groups, Discipleship

Volunteer Opportunities_Fellowship Teams

Encouragement Teams

Meals for the sick, Encouragement Cards, Prayer, Crisis Pregnancy Center

Volunteer Opportunities_Encouragement Teams

Support Teams

Special Events, Maintenance 


Volunteer Form

Areas of Interest